Charina Koraksic

Canadian Oil Pastel Artist

Artist’s Statement:

Charina Koraksic is a contemporary, impressionist landscape artist based in Burlington, Ontario. Sharing a profound bond with the vast fields, waters, and forests of Canada, she mirrors the sentiments of many Canadians. However, like them, she struggles to spend as much time immersed in the moving grasses and skies as she desires.  Charina's artwork encapsulates these fleeting moments, offering an avenue for anyone to momentarily escape reality and reconnect with themselves.

Employing a blend of self-taught techniques, Charina's process involves a mix of controlled and uncontrolled marks using oil pastels and cold wax medium. Through layering, smudging, and selectively scratching away, she brings to life serene landscapes inspired by memories of secluded retreats.

Charina's artwork has been featured in various art events and continues to attract a growing number of collectors who resonate with her work.